Waiting ….. Isaac : part 1


Have you ever waited for something? Has the waiting took longer than you expected, or taken a different turn than what you thought?.   Maybe it’s a new job you’re waiting for, health to change in your body, or a family situation to be resolved.  Whatever it is, there are always feelings that come along side with it.  Feelings like impatience, anxiousness, excitement, and even frustration!

I know all about these feelings and I have had  my share of waiting. We’ve waited for a new job when struggle came, and a new home for our growing family, but the biggest thing I’ve waited for in my life is my babies!  We waited four years before we held our fist born in our arms!  let me tell you, that was a long four years of mixed feelings and emotions!  But all along, I kept my eyes focused on Jesus, and my faith remained in Him.

Right now, I am waiting…. waiting in a different way.We are waiting to find out the results of our fourth baby’s heart condition! Seven months ago, we had a precious little boy Isaac (a complete miracle considering I didn’t think we’d have any children). Doctor’s immediately told us that there was something wrong with his pulmonary valve, and continued to investigate.  As the months went by, they told us he could ‘grow out’ of it. This gave me hope since the word surgery was used several times.   Two months ago though, the specialist decided she wanted to do a sedated ultrasound on him to get a clear view of his heart in order to come up with a plan. Next week is his scheduled ultrasound,  and now,  I wait.

Through these times of anxiously waiting, I’m doing what I know is the best thing to do, I’m praying and  dwelling on these awesome words from God.  My trust gets built up and I find peace in His word. My hope is that they will help you and give you peace, as you possibly wait on something in your life.

Psalm 40:1      “I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and He turned to me and heard my cry”

Psalm 37 : 7  “Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for Him to act.”

Psalm 27:14  “Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.”

Jeremiah 17 : 7  “But blessed are those who TRUST in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence.”

These are just a few of many awesome verses that can help anyone in a time of waiting!  I will be keeping everyone posted next week as we go through this process with Isaac.

8 thoughts on “Waiting ….. Isaac : part 1

  1. Hi there Kait! I completely understand what you are going through. My little guy was born with a PDA, a heart valve that should have closed at birth. The days after his birth were full of worry and heart doctors. However, God was faithful and we decided to go along with a surgery at 15 months to close it. He is now healthy and no complications came from it. If you need anything please let me know and we will be praying for Issac! God bless you!

  2. Wow Kait, I had no idea they wanted to do more tests on Isaac. Your faith is so inspiring , thank you for those awesome words! Isaac is on my prayer list!

  3. Thank you for this encouragement! I have written a few of these down as I await for some promises from the Lord to come to pass 🙂 xo

  4. As I started to read this entry, I thought about what good timing it is considering how hard my struggle is right now to wait on the Lord for our next home. I want to know where it is “now” so I can make all my plans and know when my move is.
    As I read further about your son’s heart test, God moved me to share a bit of our story with you. We waited for 2 years for our first child… I was told when I was 18 that I would never be able to have children. Many trials later, our son was born. Then I was pregnant again when David was just 9 months old. That baby was due on Jan. 1, 2000 which would have been really fun! But God wanted that baby with Him and so I miscarried. Got pregnant again farely quickly and Jessica was born. 9 months later, pregnant again with Christine.
    When she was 6 weeks old, she was rushed to Sick Kids to have emergency heart surgery. She had a coarctation of the aorta. Many miracles surrounded our adventure with her and we continue to struggle through tests with her. She has an ASD as well (the hole that is supposed to close at birth….born with it….probably saved her life, but now must be watched). It’s not uncommon for this hole to remain open (our 4th child who was checked for a coarctation at birth also had it open), however it usually will close within 2 years. If not, unless it causes problems, you’d never know there was a hole in the heart. We are now “waiting” results of a recent echocardiogram since she has had some difficulties and we were called in after one test showed some anomalies.
    Between Christine and Hannah we really had to wait on the Lord… 7 miscarriages but with a very distinct desire for another child left us quite raw emotionally for those 3 years. Finally, after patiently waiting… we had Hannah.
    Many people have asked me how we have endured all the “waiting” we have had to do… my answer is always unhesitatingly…. God. He know the best timing for everything. He won’t leave us in need for longer than the perfect amount of time for His plan. I don’t have patience…. God gives it to me when I need it!
    Praying for Isaac and a positive outcome on his tests and strength for the rest of the family to endure the waiting. God’s will be done.

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